This year many Brazilians think that the best place to celebrate carnival in Belo Horizonte than Rio de Janeiro.
not many people outside know about Belo Horizonte, it is a city in Brazil. It is a big city. This year, Belo Horizonte’s carnival became very popular. A lot of people went to see the celebration. now it is a great place enjoy the carnival in Brazil.
Carnival is a very important celebration in Brazil. Brazil celebrates with the most enthusiasm than other countries. This big business is making a lot of money for the country.
Rio de Janeiro is the most famous city for the celebration of the carnival but this year, Brazilians are going to Belo Horizonte. It is a big city for relaxation and famous for good food and drink. Belo Horizonte’s carnival is bigger than ever.
“It is only in even more recent years that Beagá has emerged as a popular destination for Carnival goers,” recalled Marina Pisa, organiser of the popular Pisa na Fulô Bloco in Belo Horizonte. “People used to leave the city – it was deserted.”
After a long time, Belo Horizonte started celebrating carnival again.
The revival of the carnival, there was a protest in Belo Horizonte against the government. Many people fight for their rights and now the government controlled the celebration. Many people enjoyed the carnival with fun and genuine than other cities.
have you heard of Botecos Brazilian nightlife? there are bars to have a good time, and they often serve snacks like coxinha with cold beer. Belo Horizonte is especially known for its great Botecos.
During the carnival festival, people make special drinks in Belo Horizonte. Xeque Mate is one of the most popular drinks which a mix of rum, mate, guarana, and lime. In Brazil, it became very famous.
In Belo Horizonte, events are more planned and Belo Horizonte is cheaper and safer than other big cities in Brazil. it is a relaxed place with friendly people and because it’s a newer Carnival destination, it still feels fresh and exciting.
“People have got used to the idea of visiting Belo Horizonte because of the many festivals and cultural events it hosted this year – it’s also the home to many new, exciting brands.”